Life’s Journey - limits & boundaries
Main wi janan dhok Ranjhan di, naal mare koi challey
Pairan paindi, mintan kardi, jaanan tan peya ukkaley
Neen wi dhoonghi, tilla purana, sheehan ney pattan malley
Ranjhan yaar tabeeb sadhendha, main tan dard awalley
Kahe Husain faqeer namana, sain senhurray ghalley
Travelers, I too have to go; I have to go to the solitary hut of Ranjha. Is there any one who will go with me? I have begged many to accompany me and now I set out alone. Travelers, is there no one who could go with me?
The River is deep and the shaky bridge creaks as people step on it. And the ferry is a known haunt of tigers. Will no one go with me to the lonely hut of Ranjha?
During long nights I have been tortured by my raw wounds. I have heard he in his lonely hut knows the sure remedy. Will no one come with me, travelers?
On separation
Sujjen bin raatan hoiyan wadyan
Ranjha jogi, main jogiani, kamli kar kar sadian
Main ayani niyoonh ki janan, birhoon tannawan gadiyan
Kahe Husain faqeer sain da, larr tairay main lagiyaan
Nights swell and merge into each other as I stand a wait for him.
Since the day Ranjha became jogi, I have scarcely been my old self and people every where call me crazy. My young flesh crept into creases leaving my young bones a creaking skeleton. I was too young to know the ways of love; and now as the nights swell and merge into each other, I play host to that unkind guest - separation.
Female freedom
Ni Mai menoon Kherian di gal naa aakh
Ranjhan mera, main Ranjhan di, Kherian
Lok janey Heer kamli hoi, Heeray da wer chak
Do not talk of the Kheras* to me,
Oh mother do not .
I belong to Ranjha and he belongs to me.
And the Kheras dream idle dreams.
Let the people say, "Heer is crazy; she has given her-self to the cowherd." He alone knows what it all means.
O mother, he alone knows.
Please mother, do not talk to me of Kheras.
*The Kheras were a wealthy family.
Deen ast Hussain, Deen e Panah ast Hussain,
Sar dad, na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazeed,
Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain"
"Ruler is Hussain, Emperor is Hussain,
Religion is Hussain, Sheild of religion (Islam )
is Hussain, Gave his head but not his hand to Yazid,
Maintainer of the truth is no one but Hussain"
Ranjhan mera, main Ranjhan di, Kherian noon koori jhak
Lok janey Heer kamli hoi, Heeray da wer chak
Do not talk of the Kheras to me,
O mother, do not.
I belong to Ranjha and he belongs to me.
And the Kheras dream idle dreams.
Let the people say, "Heer is crazy; she has given her-self to the cowherd." He alone knows what it all means.
O mother, he alone knows.
Please mother, do not talk to me of Kheras.
Here is a "Kafi" presenting a different emotion:
Sujjen bin raatan hoiyan wadyan
Ranjha jogi, main jogiani, kamli kar kar sadian
Mass jhurey jhur pinjer hoyya, karken lagiyan hadyan
Main ayani niyoonh ki janan, birhoon tannawan gadiyan
Kahe Husain faqeer sain da, larr tairay main lagiyaan
Nights swell and merge into each other as I stand a wait for him.
Since the day Ranjha became jogi, I have scarcely been my old self and people every where call me crazy. My young flesh crept into creases leaving my young bones a creaking skeleton. I was too young to know the ways of love; and now as the nights swell and merge into each other, I play host to that unkind guest - separation.
manoN na visariN meiNu mere sahiba
har galloN ve meiN mukki aaN
auganhaari ko gun naahiN
baksh kareiN taN meiN chutti aaN
jiyoN bhaave tyoN raakh payareya
daaman teray meiN lukki aaN
je tuN nazar mehar dee bhaaleiN
chaRh chaubaare meiN sutti aaN
Kahe hussain faqeer saayeeN da
dar teray dee meiN kutti aaN
aNdar tuN haiN, baahir tuN haiN
roam roam vich tuN
tuN haiN taana, tuN haiN baana
sab kich mera tuN
kahe hussain faqir nimaana
meiN nahi sab tuN
Ranjha Kaho Saheliyoon…..
Meino Heer Na Aakho Koi
By repeating the mantra of Ranjha, I myself have become Ranjha
Call me Ranjha, no one should call me Heer
Kainde Ne..Kainde Ne Kay Lambviyan Ne Rawaan Ishq Diyaan…
Kainde Loki Kay Lambviyan Ne Rawaan Ishq Diyaan…
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan…
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan…
They say that the path of love is very long
What should I tell you about love?
Andar Aaao.. Bhira Paao..
Aa..Was Jaao…Saiyaan..
Andar Aaao.. Bhira Paao..
Aa..Was Jaao…Saiyaan..
Come inside (my life/soul) and stay their forever, beloved
Andar To Hi Bahar To Hi
Andar To Hi Bahar To Hi Roob Roob Wich Too..
To Hi Tana To Hi Bana Sub Kuch Mera Too…
Andar To Hi Bahar To Hi Roob Roob Wich Too….
To Hi Tana To Hi Bana Sub Kuch Mera Too…
You are inside me you outside of me
you are every bit of me
Your are my every thing
Kahe Hussain Faqir Namana
Kahe Hussain Faqir Namana…
Mein Nahi Sub Tooo…
Shah Hussain says, I have no existence without you (God).
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan…Haae..
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan..
What should I tell you about love?
Kanjri bania meri zaat na Ghat-dee, menu nach ke yaar manawan day
log ishq nu mul ginde, menu nach ke yaar manawan day
Kanjri bania meri zaat na Ghat-dee, menu nach ke yaar manawan day
log ishq nu mul ginde, menu nach ke yaar manawan day
My stature does not diminish by being a (harlot/dance girl/wh0re)
I must dance to win my love.
Let me dance to win my love.
Oo Aaja Rab Nahi Rusda..
Oo Aaja Rab Nahi Rusda Soon Rab Di
Jenu Yaar Manawan Da Chajj Hovey
Oo Waat Makkay di Kyon Pavey….
Oo Waat Makkay di Kyon Pavey
Jeday Yaar Nu Taakaya Hajj Hovey…
I swear to God that His God doesn’t get upset with him who knows how to appease him.
Why should one talk of Makkah, when s/he can perform his Hajj by just looking at his/her beloved?
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan…Haae..
Ki Dasawan Ki Baat Sunawan Ishq Diyaan..
Andar Aaao.. Bhira Paao..
Andar Aaao…Saiyaan..